on the right its me..!! hee.. at the middle its my frenz, WAWA... n on the left its ALICE my frenz...:).. this is the day when we are become a real kristian...:)... gambar nie saat catz dgn mmber ade majlis pengentapan kristian.. nice right??? hahaha... dlm masa 3 hari mmg mboringkan tp ada faedahnya... dpt belajar ttg kristian n mjadi anak Tuhan yg baik...waseh!!! ^_^... saat nie kitorang tgh tggu jam pukul 2pm utk masuk gereja.. tp disebalik gmbr nie, ade seseorang yg special ng kitorang...:)..errmm.... very special...!!! dia lh yg take picture nie... dan dialh yg temani catz masuk gereja n tgok catz pengentapan..:)... very nice person catz ever meet... dialh yg menemai catz saat catz tggu nk msuk gereja... SAAT YG INDAH bila dpt spend time ngan dia... tp jus a frenz..xlebih dari tu..:).. thank utk dia coz dapat jd teman yg baik..:) but i really..ermm....